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2024-2025 Season
Topics and Resources Specific to the Current Season
2024-2025 Kick-Off
slide deck
IMPORTANT: Prohibited Items Specific to MADI
Make sure you know what is prohibited at Massachusetts tournaments before your team begins developing their solution.
Monthly Support Squad Meetings
Join us on the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm (October thru May) to touch base with relevant topics. You can find the Zoom link on the MADI calendar. Each session will be recorded and posted here just in case you can make the live meeting.
New Appraiser Training Materials/Recordings
ppraiser Training Slide Deck: Link to Slide Deck
Mock Challenge Performance Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiyHPfq_WdU
New Team Manager Training
Team Manager Bootcamp
Please consider making a donation and help MADI to continue to provide the best student-driven STEAM programming available!
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